I.  境外實習專區:參考網站
II.  臺大姊妹校職缺網:查看
III.  國外學術機構職缺搜尋
  1. AcademicJobsOnline 是一個對博士生求職十分方便的網站,網址過去12個月提供37國160州2592個工作機會,目前求職者登錄有5339位, 平均一位求職者申請2.6個工作機會,且對求職者而言該網站是免收費,只需登錄郵箱註冊即可成為會員。
  2. International Max Planck Research School for Molecular Life Sciences (IMPRS-LS) offers PhD projects in the following areas (please see the attached Flyer in details):
    • Biophysics & Bio-imaging
    • Computational & Systems Biology
    • Gene Regulation & DNA Biology
    • Circuit Neuroscience & Neurodegeneration
    • Protein Structure & Protein Folding
    • Signalling & Immunology
All students accepted to the program will receive a generous PhD fellowship including social benefits. Please submit your application by November 15, 2018. Further information and application details are available at: www.imprs-ls.de
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