   Graduate Employment Tracking Survey

● 113年調查注意事項 
    Important Notes for the 2024 Survey
  1. 調查對象:111學年度、109學年度及107學年度畢業之本國籍校友
  2. 調查日期:113年6月17日開始網路問卷調查,規劃調查至9月30日,將依回收情形進行滾動式調整。
  3. 問卷填答方式:簡訊通知、網路問卷、電話訪問方式進行。 
  4. 登入網路問卷的帳號為【學號】,密碼為【手機號碼】。
  5. 若大學、研究所或博士班皆為本校校友,則需填寫兩份不同問卷。
  6. 本次畢業生流向調查作業委託 智晟資訊服務股份有限公司 辦理,以網路問卷跟電訪方式(電話為02-2502開頭)進行問卷填答,7月1日開啟電訪作業,敬請校友接到電訪的電話時,協助撥冗完成電訪調查,謝謝。
  1. Survey Participants: Alumni of this nationality who graduated in the 2019, 2021, and 2023 academic years.
  2. Survey Period: The online questionnaire survey begins on June 17, 2024, and is planned to continue until September 30, 2024, with adjustments based on the response rate.
  3. Questionnaire Completion Methods: SMS notifications, online questionnaires, and telephone interviews.
  4. Login Credentials for Online Questionnaire: The account is your student ID, and the password is your mobile phone number.
  5. Multiple Degrees: If you are an alumnus of our university for your bachelor's and master's/doctoral degrees, please complete two separate questionnaires.
  6. Survey Conducted by: ITSmart Co. Ltd. conducts this graduate employment tracking survey through online questionnaires and telephone interviews (telephone numbers starting with 02-2502). Telephone interviews will commence on July 1, 2024. We kindly ask alumni to assist by taking the time to complete the telephone survey if you receive a call.
To maintain contact with our alumni, we greatly appreciate your support.
We sincerely invite alumni who meet the requirements of this survey to participate in this survey.
Your thoughtful assistance will be invaluable. Thank you.
 ※ 預計調查時間:6/17(一)起至 9/30(一)止,為了讓網路填答更加順暢,將以分流方式進行填答!

📌 6/17(一)開始 111學年度畢業滿1年  短網址
📌 6/24(一)開始 109學年度畢業滿3年  短網址:https://reurl.cc/mMQxmG
📌 7/01(一)開始 107學年度畢業滿5年  短網址:https://reurl.cc/YEN2jo
● 說明
  1. 配合教育部的政策與規定,每年進行畢業滿1、3、5年的畢業生流向調查,不包括境外學生(例如僑生、港澳生、外國學生)、國立空中大學、高雄市立空中大學、軍警校院、學校附設進修學院、附設專校、境外專班等。In accordance with the Ministry of Education's policies and regulations, we conduct surveys on the career paths of graduates who have been out of school for 1, 3, and 5 years annually. This does not include overseas students (such as overseas Chinese students, students from Hong Kong and Macau, and foreign students), students from the National Open University, The Open University of Kaohsiung, military and police academies, school-affiliated continuing education colleges, affiliated vocational schools, and overseas special classes.
  2. 畢業生流向調查是希望藉由理解校友的現況與感想,期待校友的回饋資訊能做為未來辦學及校務發展改善、系所課程規劃、學校永續經營及高等教育人才培育相關政策研議之參考。 The purpose of the graduate career path survey is to understand the current status and opinions of our alumni. We hope that the feedback from alumni can serve as a reference for improving future school operations and development, department curriculum planning, sustainable school management, and policy discussions related to higher education talent cultivation.
  3. 調查結果僅供學術與校務研究之用,將依個人資料保護法規定保管與遵循法令規定處理,請校友放心。 The survey results are for academic and school affairs research purposes only. They will be stored and handled in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and other relevant legal regulations. Alumni can rest assured of their privacy.

若您對填答問卷的帳號、密碼或內容有任何問題,請洽學生職業生涯發展中心 莊建隆先生,連絡電話 02-3366-2046 或E-mail至 career@ntu.edu.tw 。

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