Ⅰ. Students Consultant:

  To achieve the goal of becoming a world-class university and to encourage NTU students to go abroad for advanced studies, the Career Center hopes to cooperate with the 11 colleges in NTU and establish an overseas studies consultation system which will provide opportunities for students aspiring to study abroad to exchange ideas with professors, access to the School Selection and career planning recommendations, and be able to access the Study Abroad Material Review and Consulting service.

  Overseas studies consultant system will invite professors who have studied abroad from each college to coach students. In this way, the professors can answer the questions regarding application planning, such as experience sharing, concerns while selecting a school and a department, tips on a study plan or autobiography, recommendation letter, skills to apply for the schools…etc. We hope to maintain the function of Overseas Studies Month and fill the gap. Moreover, we will provide a more pragmatic consulting service that is in line with individual needs and at the same time achieves the purpose of Career Center to help students plan for their careers after graduation.

Ⅱ. Overseas Studies Information Network:

  In order to provide overseas studying information for students to look up, we have built an overseas studies information network which includes links that provide information on every country, This information network will be reviewed and updated regularly.

Latest study abroad and scholarship information
Date Due_Date Title
2024/8/16   Applications launch for Ellison Institute of Technology graduate scholarships
2024/8/15 2024/11/15 Graduate School of Science/Tohoku U] IGPAS Application Booklet 2025 available

Graduate School of Science and Faculty of Science, Tohoku University

<Application Period & Key Dates>
- Online Pre-Application:  October 1-November 15, 2024
- Application Period: October 15-November 15, 2024
- Notification of Results: January 23, 2025
- Enrollment: October 1, 2025 (2025 Fall Semester)

<Financial Support>
  1. MEXT (Japanese Government) Scholarship for seven Master's program students.
  2. Tohoku University Special Incentive Stipend for several Doctoral and four Master's program students.
Please visit the website below to learn more details.
2024/8/15 2024/11/12  (Kyoto University / Japan) Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program

This scholarship is for those who expect to enroll in a master's degree program or first year of five-year doctoral program as a regular (degree-seeking) student at a graduate school of Kyoto University in April 2025.  
(Application for October 2025 is planned to be open in around January 2025, and application period is expected to be around April.)

Application period is from November 1 (Fri) to 12 (Tue), 2024  (closes at 5:00 p.m. Japan time) .

Applicants will need to pass the entrance examination in addition to proceed with their application for AFLSP.
The details of admission procedures differ depending on the graduate school.
Applicants should carefully check the application deadline and procedures of the graduate schools, as some need to be applied before AFLSP application.

For admission procedures at Kyoto university, please check the university website (https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/education-campus/education-and-admissions) and contact the graduate school office for further guidance and information.
2024/8/15 2024/11/29 Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship 

Every year, the Swiss government offers scholarships for research fellows, PhD candidates and post-doc positions at Swiss universities to nourish global scientific collaboration.

All information for the scholarship can be accessed at the website. Interested candidates should submit their application to our office by the 29th of November.
2024/8/5   KAIST 2025 Spring Graduate Admissions for International Applicants
2024/5/29   PhD Scholarship at University of Sussex in collaboration with Imperial College London
2024/3/27   HKBU School of Business- International Postgraduate Scholarships (IPS)
2024/2/27   Osaka University | Study in Japan Online University Fair 2024
2023/12/27   Forwarded [University of Maryland MS in Applied Economics Program Online Information Session]
2023/12/4   Forwarded [Kyushu Uni.] Virtual Graduate Study Fair for Your Students (December 15, 2023)  Detailed information
2023/1/12 2023/4/10 Kyoto University 2023-24 Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program

Application Guidelines  
Application period:April 1 (Sat) to April 10 (Mon), 2023 (closes at 17:00 p.m. Japan time)
2023/1/11 2023/2/1
3:00 PM
Applications Now - UTokyo Amgen Scholars Program 2023

UTokyo Amgen Scholars Program applicants must be undergraduate students:
  • Who are enrolled in colleges or universities worldwide that award a bachelor’s degree (or its equivalent), and
  • Who, at the minimum, have completed their first year of undergraduate study at the time the summer program begins, and
  • Who are not graduating before the summer program begins and will resume their undergraduate studies for at least 1 semester or 1 quarter after the end of the summer program.
UTokyo Amgen Scholars Program applicants must also:
  • Have a strong record of academic performance, and
  • Have good working knowledge of English, demonstrated by a minimum TOEFL (iBT) score of 72, IELTS overall band score of 5.5, Cambridge English FCE, TOEIC L&R score of 785, or TOEIC S&W score of 310, if not a native English speaker or English is not their first language, and
  • Have an interest in pursuing a Ph.D.
UTokyo Amgen Scholars Program
2023/1/11 2023/1/25 HKU Summer Institute Cultural Summer Exchange (HKUSI CSE) Fellowship 2023

Detailed Information     Application Link  
2022/9/12 2022/10/13 [Ewha Womans University] Master of Arts in Asian Women’s Studies Program

• Program Overview
Asian Women's Studies is an interdisciplinary master’s degree program conducted in English. It aims to produce knowledge and discourses on the lives of women in Asia from Asian feminist perspectives. The program seeks to further contribute to the field of Asian Women's Studies by training promising young scholars and activists in Asia.

• Applications
Applications are made online from September 2 till October 13, 2022.
For more detailed information, please check the attached “Call for Applications” and/or visit http://rwcms.ewha.ac.kr/oisa/1442/subview.do
2021/12/20   [歐洲大學講座 2022 European Study Talk] 

European Study Talk 為歐洲教育展執行委員會舉辦之一系列免費留學講座,自2021年9月至2022年1年,我們邀請了將近60所歐洲大學與機構,針對國際學生分享最新最完整的留歐資訊。即將進入尾聲的Study Talk在新的一年邀請到世界百大的英國劍橋大學、德國TU9的KIT、航空科系見長的英國Cranfield University、更有銜接荷蘭UvA的ONCAMPUS、德國應用科大與法國設計學院接力開講,提供申請與課程最新資訊。歡迎有興趣的同學報名參加。

1/05(三)  留學英法,強化專業與人脈 II [Online session] Sign-up
19:00-19:40 英國 University of Leeds
19:50-20:30 法國 ICN Business School

1/12(三)  世界百強大學-德國 KIT & 英國劍橋大學 [Online session] Sign-up
19:00-19:40 德國 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - International Schools: Carl Benz School and HECTOR School
19:50-20:30 英國 University of Cambridge

1/13(四)  到法國學設計,創新不設限 [Online session] Sign-up
19:00-19:40 法國 L'École de design Nantes Atlantique 南特設計學院

1/18(二)  留學歐洲,加值求學與求職履歷 [Online session] Sign-up
19:00-19:40 荷蘭 ONCAMPUS Amsterdam
19:50-20:30 英國 Cranfield University (學校影片)

1/20(四)  德國的應用科學大學精選 [Online session] Sign-up
19:00-19:40 德國 Offenburg University - Graduate School
19:50-20:30 德國 SRH University Heidelberg
2021/11/30    [歐洲大學講座] 2021 European Study Talk 1214-1221

2021 European Study Talk 為歐洲教育展執行委員會舉辦之一系列免費留學講座,自2021年9月至2022年1年,我們邀請了將近60所歐洲大學與機構,針對國際學生分享最新最完整的留歐資訊。12月將有德國TU9理工名校TU Dresden & TU Darmstadt,法國商學院EDHEC及廚藝大師搖籃Lenotre及INSTITUT PAUL BOCUSE等校,Online session為台灣民眾介紹最新的學程,申請資訊及未來發展,歡迎有志進修的民眾報名參加歡迎查看下方場次與報名。

12/14 (二) 理工人才的搖籃-德國 II [Online session] Sign-up
19:00-19:40 德國 Technische Universität Dresden
19:50-20:30 德國 Technical University of Darmstadt

12/15(三) 留學法國,探索觀光餐飲廚藝潛力 [Online session] Sign-up
19:00-19:40 法國 INSTITUT PAUL BOCUSE 
19:50-20:30 法國 Ecole Lenôtre 雷諾特廚藝學院

12/21(二) 留學商管,精選法國 III [Online session] Sign-up
19:00-19:40 法國 Burgundy School of Business 勃艮第高等商學院
19:50-20:30 法國 EDHEC BUSINESS SCHOOL 北方高等商學院
2021/11/22   Pursuing MPhil/PhD Programmes at Lingnan University 
2021/11/16 2021/12/09  2021 European Study Talk 1130-1209

你的留學考量是教學品質、職涯與產業結合、還是畢業後的就業機會? 留學歐洲兼具以上優勢。11月底起,歐洲教育展邀請到世界百大的英國Warwick University、藝術領域不可錯過的巴黎國際剪裁學院與倫敦藝術大學、知名的ISIPCA香水學院與SPEOS攝影學校,還要帶大家認識比利時及立陶宛的高等教育,歡迎報名參加!

11/30(二) 留學概況-比利時荷語區 & 立陶宛 [Online session] Sign-up
19:00-19:40 Study in Flanders 留學比利時荷語區
19:50-20:30 Study in Lithuania 留學立陶宛

12/01(三) 比例美學-到法國學調香與剪裁 [Online session] Sign-up
19:00-19:40 法國 ISIPCA
19:50-20:30 法國 AICP 巴黎國際剪裁學院

12/02(四) 部署職涯就從留學開始-比利時 & 法國 [Online session] Sign-up
19:00-19:40 比利時 Vrije Universiteit Brussel
19:50-20:30 法國 Ecole Ferrieres - Hospitality, Gastronomy and Luxury

12/08(三) 留學英法,強化專業與人脈 [Online session] Sign-up
19:00-19:40 英國 University of Warwick
19:50-20:30 法國 EM Normandie

12/09(四) 到歐洲學藝術-英國倫敦藝術大學 & 法國SPÉOS攝影學院 [Online session]    Sign-up
19:00-19:40 英國 University of the Arts London 倫敦藝術大學
19:50-20:30 法國 SPÉOS Photo-Video-CGI School
2021/10/8 2021/11/15 Postdoc Career Programmes at TU Darmstadt – Calls are open

As one of the leading universities of technology, located in Rhine-Main-Area in the heart of Germany, Technical University (TU) of Darmstadt offers a stimulating and cooperative research environment for young researchers. 
Our Postdoc Career Programmes are directed at international doctoral students in the final stage of doctorate and international postdocs looking for a second postdoc. 
TU Darmstadt ongoing calls Career Bridging Grants and ´Future Talent´ Guest Stay Grants are open until closing date 15th of November, 2021. Learn more: Announcements for Postdocs at TU Darmstadt.
2021/6/18 2021/9/17 Information on Special Scholarship Program for doctoral students at Kochi University of Technology
2021/3/29   the Cal of Joseph Fourier Scholarship of Bureau Français de Taipei
2021/2/4   [Kwansei Gakuin University] Gradute Program Admission through Parnter Universities Nomination Japanese English
2021/1/29 2021/6/15 Heidelberg University | M.A. in American Studies (MAS) Program
2021/1/19   Institute of Social Science, the University of Tokyo - Research Staff (Pre-doctoral)
2021/1/13 2021/1/31 Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship Program at St Petersburg University and Freie Universität Berlin Post
2020/12/23 2021/1/18 Kyushu Institute of Technology - MEXT Scholarship Program
2020/11/17   Canadian Universities in these locations are reopening to international Student
2020/11/12 2020/11/28 EduCanada Virtual Fair for students and parents to meet with Canadian Institutions individually.   
Registration is free and will close 3 hours before the event starting time.  
Please register now.
2020/10/7 2020/10/15
2020/10/7 2020/12/1 Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme 21/22
2020/7/27 2020/10/1 Study Scholarships - Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Music
2020/7/27 2020/9/30 Study Scholarships - Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Architecture
2020/7/1 2020/9/18 [Kochi University of Technology] a 3-year English-medium doctoral program
2020/6/19 2020/7/15 [CityU] Presidential PhD Scholarship  Files
2020/5/15 2020/6/15 Poland and Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange Scholarship Programme
2020/5/8 2020/5/30 BHU announces Malviya Postdoctoral Fellowships  Files
2020/4/8   IÉSEG MBA in Leadership and Coding
2020/2/13 2020/3/27 PhD International Program at Imagine Institute- Paris- France  Files
2020/2/5   [Kwansei Gakuin University] Graduate Program Admission through Partner University Nomination for Fall 2020  FilesFiles
2020/1/20 2020/1/30 CEU Future of Big Data, Morgan Stanley, Women in Tech scholarships  Files
2019/12/30 2020/3/13 Kochi University of Technology Special Scholarship Program
2019/11/28   Kansai University (関西大学)Fall Enrollment 2020 Application Guidelines for Special Entrance Examination Now Available  Files
2019/11/25 2020/2/12 Erasmus Mundus Master in Quality in Analytical Laboratories scholarships programme
2019/10/21   Open Doors' Russian Scholarship Project  Files
2019/10/21   Georgetown Global Human Development Program  Files
2019/10/2 2019/11/29
 [Tokyo Tech]Programs with Japanese Government Scholarship 2020
   -Research Student Program
   -International Graduate Program A [IGP (A)]
2019/9/24   [Kwansei Gakuin University] Graduate Program Admission through Partner University Nomination for 2020  FilesFiles
2019/9/17   Singapore University of Technology and Design (bond free scholarship)
 -Application note
 -Course information
 -Time schedule
2019/8/21 2019/12/2 Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme  FilesFiles
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