實習職缺: 6人
實習期間: 2020/07/01 ~2020/08/31 (週一至週五;上班時間依部門不同有8:00 – 17:30/8:30 – 18:00兩個時段)
實習部門: 投資研究管理處/高資產理財部/通路事業部-壽險通路/通路事業部-銀行證券通路/客群經營部
實習薪資: NT$25,000 (內含NT$2,400伙食津貼及勞健保)
實習職缺對象: 大學在學學生(暑期升大三/大四生皆可)或研究所在學學生(含今年度新生)
實習地點: 台北市中山區復興北路378號5~9樓
收件截止日期: 2020/04/07
申請方式: 請務必於郵件主旨或內容標明『欲申請實習之部門及志願順序』,並附上中英文履歷, 寄至 TW.HR@allianzgi.com
公司官網: tw.allianzgi.com
※各部門實習內容請洽下方 ☟
▶實習部門:Investment Management 投資研究管理處
▶名 額:2 名
▶實習期間:2020/7/1 ~ 2020/8/31 (週一至週五;8:00 – 17:30)
▶實習部門:High Net Worth Department高資產理財部
▶名 額:1 名
▶實習期間:2020/7/1 ~ 2020/8/31 (週一至週五;8:30 – 18:00)
▶實習部門:Retail Distribution-Banking & Securities通路事業部-銀行證券通路
▶名 額:1 名
▶實習期間:2020/07/01 ~ 2020/8/31 (週一至週五;8:30 – 18:00)
▶實習部門:Retail Distribution-Insurance 通路事業部-壽險通路
▶名 額:1 名
▶實習期間:2020/7/1 ~ 2020/8/31 (週一至週五;8:30 – 18:00)
▶實習部門:Client Engagement 客群經營部
▶名 額:1 名
▶實習期間:2020/7/1 ~ 2020/8/31 (週一至週五;8:30 – 18:00)
實習期間: 2020/07/01 ~2020/08/31 (週一至週五;上班時間依部門不同有8:00 – 17:30/8:30 – 18:00兩個時段)
實習部門: 投資研究管理處/高資產理財部/通路事業部-壽險通路/通路事業部-銀行證券通路/客群經營部
實習薪資: NT$25,000 (內含NT$2,400伙食津貼及勞健保)
實習職缺對象: 大學在學學生(暑期升大三/大四生皆可)或研究所在學學生(含今年度新生)
實習地點: 台北市中山區復興北路378號5~9樓
收件截止日期: 2020/04/07
申請方式: 請務必於郵件主旨或內容標明『欲申請實習之部門及志願順序』,並附上中英文履歷, 寄至 TW.HR@allianzgi.com
公司官網: tw.allianzgi.com
※各部門實習內容請洽下方 ☟
▶實習部門:Investment Management 投資研究管理處
▶名 額:2 名
▶實習期間:2020/7/1 ~ 2020/8/31 (週一至週五;8:00 – 17:30)
- Data and information collection and collation
- Perform research on internal projects to assist decision making
- Attend internal/external meeting and keeping meeting record
- At least rising junior (升大三) from university that have minimum GPA of 3.8
- Major in finance /statistics /economics /computer science /math
- Fluent in English and a minimum score of “800” in TOEIC Test
- Experiences in computer languages include visual basic, python or R language.
- Strong interest in pursuing investment career.
- Please send your CV in both English and Chinese to: TW.HR@allianzgi.com
- 收件截止日期:2020/04/07
▶實習部門:High Net Worth Department高資產理財部
▶名 額:1 名
▶實習期間:2020/7/1 ~ 2020/8/31 (週一至週五;8:30 – 18:00)
- Data preparation and analysis
- Presentation Support
- Sales Event Support
- Administration Support
- Partner with Sales Support in various projects
- At least rising junior (升大三) from university that have minimum GPA of 3.2 and minimum TOEIC score of 800
- Major in Finance or business administration
- Good interpersonal skills, observant, detail conscious, analytical, self-motivated and pro-active
- SITE/SICE Professional License or Senior Brokerage License is a plus
- Previous internship experience is preferred
- MS Office Skill
- Please send your CV in both English and Chinese to: TW.HR@allianzgi.com
- 收件截止日期:2020/04/07
▶實習部門:Retail Distribution-Banking & Securities通路事業部-銀行證券通路
▶名 額:1 名
▶實習期間:2020/07/01 ~ 2020/8/31 (週一至週五;8:30 – 18:00)
- Assist with business operational control
- Perform general clerical duties, such as filing, mailings and routine paper works.
- Help with materials sign-off and SITCA reporting process.
- Perform other related duties as needed.
- Assist sales support in various projects
- At least rising junior (升大三) from university that have minimum GPA of 3.2
- Good work ethic and good working attitude
- Good command of English
- Detail oriented and able to manage time efficiently
- Be comfortable with a large volume of repetitive tasks.
- Proficiency with MS office applications (Word, Excel)
- SITCA license is preferred
- Please send your CV in both English and Chinese to: TW.HR@allianzgi.com
- 收件截止日期:2020/04/07
▶實習部門:Retail Distribution-Insurance 通路事業部-壽險通路
▶名 額:1 名
▶實習期間:2020/7/1 ~ 2020/8/31 (週一至週五;8:30 – 18:00)
- Data preparation and analysis
- Assist to prepare presentation deck and RFP/DDQ
- Sales Event Support: including venue reservation, material preparation, and after-event evaluation
- At least rising junior (升大三) from university that have minimum GPA of 3.2 and minimum TOEIC score of 800
- Detail-oriented
- Interest in Finance Sector
- College coursework or comparable work experience is preferred
- Previous internship experience is preferred
- Please send your CV in both English and Chinese to: TW.HR@allianzgi.com
- 收件截止日期:2020/04/07
▶實習部門:Client Engagement 客群經營部
▶名 額:1 名
▶實習期間:2020/7/1 ~ 2020/8/31 (週一至週五;8:30 – 18:00)
- Data preparation and analysis
- Client service and communication
- Sales Event Support
- Project management
- At least rising junior (升大三) from university that have minimum GPA of 3.2 and minimum TOEIC score of 800
- Detail-oriented
- Interest in Finance Sector
- College coursework or comparable work experience is preferred
- Previous internship experience is preferred
- Please send your CV in both English and Chinese to: TW.HR@allianzgi.com
- 收件截止日期:2020/04/07